
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

My Role Models Hello. On this occasion I'm gonna share the story about role models in my life. Role models that greatly affect me, not in spite of the important role of both my parents. I cannot separate the one for I make as role models, because they are the one for me. Of course, role models for me is both my parents. My mother was like an Angel to me, he is a figure that I love greatly. How does? She is a formidable woman in his career, as well as the angel who is very loving and caring for her children. My mother is a teacher who should make leaving for school to educate the student, it is done during 6 days in 1 week. Before leaving, my mother always ready and sprightly in preparing the purposes of my father, me, and my sister to start a routine activity that day. My mother also often perform all activities at home such as cooking, washing, sweeping and other things. Patience and compassion that always showed, lessons will give me the value of a life. My father is a her...

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

END WORLD HUNGER According to data from the United Nations (PBB) agencies, namely FAO, WHO, UNICEF, WFP, and IFAD, in 2016 as much as 815 million the world's population suffering from hunger. The amount is increased by as much as 35 million people in 2015. That’s very ironic, when the development of the technology is getting better, there are still very many people who suffer from hunger. Although the United Nations (PBB) stated that only 11% of the total population of the world, remains a concern as almost evenly in the region of Asia, especially Indonesia with amount of 19.4 million people who affected by starvation. In fact, many of the factors that lead to these problems emerged and became a humanitarian disaster, which if allowed would be the worse case. Global warming became the starting point for the world's climate change drastically and massive, resulting in natural conditions become unstable and friendly to the people of the world. Consumerist life pattern and...

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

SELF - DESCRIPTION Hello, my name is Mohamad Yudana Hutomo, commonly called Yuda or Yudana. I was an end of semester student who took the course Information Systems at the Gunadarma University. It's been almost 4 years educated here, and does not feel the time goes by very quickly. I feel quite lucky with the process of academic achievement during the lecture, though not particularly brilliant, but I try to improve it all in the last minutes. Besides as a student, I was also active as an Assistant,  at one of the most prestigious Labatory on campus. It's been for one year and still keep going. Speaking the background, family is the most important environment in the development of a new individual. I am the oldest of two brothers, was born 21 years ago, and from a happy family. My father comes from javanese, and  mother from betawi and sundanese. It makes me understanding the communication styles from that cultures. Fortunately, since childhood I was given the affection ...

Review COBIT (Audit Tek. SI)

Komponen COBIT Berdasarkan IT Governance Institute (2012), Framework COBIT disusun dengan karakteristik yang berfokus pada bisnis (bussiness focused). Pada edisi keempatnya ini, COBIT Framework terdiri dari 34 high level control objectives dan kemudian mengelompokan proses tersebut menjadi 4 domain, keempat domain tersebut antara lain: Planning and Organization (Perencanaan dan Organisasi), Acquisition and Implementation (Pengadaan dan Implementasi), Delivery and Support (Penerimaan Layanan dan Dukungan), serta Monitoring and Evaluation (Pengendalian dan Evaluasi).             Planning and Organization (Perencanaan dan Organisasi) Mencakup strategi, taktik dan identifikasi kontribusi terbaik TI demi pencapaian tujuan organisasi.  Domain ini mencakup : ·          PO1 – Menentukan rencana strategis ·          PO2 – Menentukan arsitektur informasi ...

Strategi Pengujian Perangkat Lunak

A.     Pengujian Unit Pengujian berfokus pada usaha verifikasi pada unit terkecil dari desain perangkat lunak, yakni modul. Dengan menggunakan deskripsi desain terinci sebagai panduan, jalur kontrol yang penting diuji untuk mengungkap kesalahan di dalam batas dari modul tersebut. Prosedur unit testing: Ø   Pengujian unit merupakan perkembangan dari langkah pengkodean. Ø   Setelah program sumber dikembangkan, ditinjau kembali dan diverifikasi untuk sintaknya, maka perancangan test case di mulai. Ø   Peninjauan kembali perancangan informasi akan menyediakan petunjuk untuk menentukan test case. Ø   Karena modul bukan program yang berdiri sendiri, maka driver (pengendali) dan atau stub perangkat lunak harus dikembangkan untuk tiap-tiap pengujian unit. B.     Pengujian Modul Merupakan Pengujian interaksi dari semua komponen yang berhubungan terhadap modul. Modul bukanlah program yang berdiri sendiri, perangkat luna...

Faktor Pengujian Perangkat Lunak

Faktor pengujian perangkat lunak dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan diantaranya : A.     Tahapan  Analisis ·          Kebutuhan yang berkaitan dengan metodelogi ·          Pendefinisian spesifikasi fungsional ·          Penentuan spesifikasi kegunaan ·          Penentuan kebutuhan portabilitas ·          Pendefinisian antar muka sistem. B.      Tahapan Desain ·          Perancangan yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan ·          Kesesuaian perancangan dengan metodologi dan teori. ·          Portabilitas rancangan ·          Perancangan yang dirawat ·   ...